Hello! I'm Erica

"Change is made through movement, nourishment, self love and mindset"

My Fitness Journey

I am a mother of two grown children-new to the empty nesting and let me tell you, it’s not for the faint of heart! I am a fire wife, fitness and nutrition coach, Reiki master and someone who has learned to heal emotionally and physically from the inside out!

I started my career as a group fitness instructor (can you say hello step classes 🤪). I ventured into the weight room. I jumped into fitness competitions and learned a lot along the way! Unfortunately, I developed insecurities and an eating disorder due to the strict structure of my workouts and nutrition regimen. Finally, I decided enough was enough! I educated myself on proper fuel and discovered a sustainable fitness and meal plan to fit my lifestyle.

Fast forward several years – I jumped on the CrossFit bandwagon. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED the competition and friends and relationships I made, but my overtraining led to injuries. I had to have a spinal fusion and disk replacement in my lower lumber several years ago and had to find different tools, exercises and recovery methods to help protect it.

I’m proud to say I can now do more of the things I never thought I’d be able to do: Heavy lifting and even running 🏃🏻‍♀️.

I take great pride in treating individuals as a whole. We start with viewing your lifestyle taking into account your lifestyle, resources available to you, and even your sleep schedule. From here, we will dive into your WHY; developing a sustainable plan to help motivate you to reach all your goals-no matter how small they may be! Every step forward is a step in the direction that helps you become the best version of yourself 💕

Three Years Apart

and Evolution

Before ➡️ After’s should be more than your waist size. (That will follow as a result)! This image shows me three years apart 👇🏼. What changed? I discovered my WHY 👏🏼! WHY for me is to accept myself just the way I am! Imperfectly imperfect. What I actions I put in place AND stayed consistent with:

🤍 I started to put myself first. (For years I pushed my needs to the side-yes moms this includes putting yourself before your spouse and your children-don’t knock it til ya try it).

🤍 Smiled more. I was always self-conscious of how little my eyes 👀 got when I smiled from my heart. I’ll never be that girl again!

🤍 Studied Reiki. I let go of the fact that some people will get it and some won’t. Who cares what others think?! It’s my life 👏🏼!

🤍 I slowed down.…MADE myself take power naps. MADE myself take a rest day. MADE myself read.

🤍 The biggest thing was letting go of others actions. Through self love and Reiki I’ve been able to understand the energy we give something or someone only feeds it.


Get in touch

I’d love to hear your story and get deep into your goals and motivations for wanting to change your lifestyle. I’d also love to help you learn to truly love yourself and help you show up confidently and authentically every day!