Personal Training

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Personal Training with Erica

Are you finding yourself trying diet after diet with results at first but then you fall into the same old food patterns? Are you tired of doing countless hours on the treadmill or worse, getting lost in the gym not knowing if the way your lifting weights is even making a difference? Are you living a life like Ground Hog Day – wake up, stressed out and anxious, barely able to make it through your day?

What if I told you that results weren’t found by:

Demonstration of a Unique Fitness Plan in Action
I know it might sound a little crazy, but stick with me here. The best way to get consistent results that stick is by loving yourself from the INSIDE-OUT! I know this may shock some of you, but after years on the merry-go-round of bad fitness programs I learned something absolutely critical to my daily happiness and sense of purpose – the BEST personal training programs include self-care and self-love.

Personal Training with Self-Love and Self-Care

I’ve been training clients for a LONG time, and trust me, the biggest difference that sets mediocre results apart from transformation results is self-care and self-love. You might be wondering what that looks like in a personal training program – well the list below is definitely a good start!

I am stepping out of the traditional personal trainer stereotype with my approach to fitness. Fitness is actually the easy part….let’s face it, we all know what we should and shouldn’t eat. We all know we need to move. But we all don’t do it.


In my experience, it is because we have false limiting beliefs. We don’t know tools to help us through our emotions-stress, anxiety depression, grief etc. Once you can push past the outer (appearance), you can dive into where true permanent change happens, WITHIN!

I hope this shares a glimpse of how important it is to incorporate all the things we don’t do often enough. For example: meditate, rest, meal prep, yoga, stretching and self talk. I’m here ready to help you gain strength-First on the inside. Then results on the outside will happen and more importantly will be SUSTAINABLE!

Personal Training in Person - What To Expect

I believe in training your body as ONE BODY – that means training the whole body, mind, energy, and everything else. I know sometimes this can sound a little soft around the edges, that’s why I’ve included this helpful little section about what you can expect when you sign up for personal training in person with me.

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Get in touch

I’d love to hear your story and get deep into your goals and motivations for wanting to change your lifestyle. I’d also love to help you learn to truly love yourself and help you show up confidently and authentically every day!