Why I LOVE to move!

Why I LOVE to move!

I LOVE to move! ⭐️

Now before you roll your eyes 👀 and think, “She’s one of those people”. “She just has the genetics”. “She doesn’t have to work as hard as I do”…

🔈 Hear. Me. Out.

I have some tips for helping you with this. So grab your notes 📝 and let’s dive in!

👉🏼 In order to fall in love and enjoy movement you must first understand your WHY.

Your WHY is so much more than the number on the scale, the size of your clothes and fitting into that LBD!

Your WHY is deeper 🤔….

Remember why you are doing this.

I feel so good afterward; I am valuing my health; my anxiety decreases when I am exercising regularly.

These thoughts will help bring more meaning into the exercise practice itself, and help you maintain your workout routine. You might even consider physically writing your WHY on a notecard and placing it somewhere prominent in your home or office so that you’ll catch a glimpse and remember what matters to you, even when your motivation is low.

Having a WHY you connect with makes your workouts more enjoyable because you are more consciously connected to the benefits of pushing yourself through them—thus, the work becomes worth it! Motivation is all about having a specific direction for you to head towards. You beed to have a big enough WHY to S U S T A I N your motivation.

Stay tuned for more tips to leaning how to LOVE movement 👏🏼.

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